山推表态第二届印尼棕榈业和装备展销会 www.6300.net 2024-08-28中国工程机械信息网 近日第二届印尼棕榈业和装备展销会在印尼苏门答腊岛北干巴鲁成功进行。印尼当地多家山推经销商携装备参展,展现了针对棕榈园需求的机械装备。 Recently, SAWIT INDONESIA EXPO AND CONFERENCE was successfully held in Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesia. Many local Shantui dealers in Indonesia brought equipment to the exhibition and displayed mechanical equipments for palm plantation needs. 印尼作为全球最年夜的棕榈油出产国之一,对棕榈园的扶植和保护有着庞大的装备需求。山推此次展出了DH08-B3推土机、SE75发掘机和SE135F发掘机等系列产物,这些装备在印尼棕榈园的道路建筑和园区保护等方面表示出出色的机能。 As one of the world's largest palm oil producers, Indonesia has a huge demand for equipment for the construction and maintenance of palm plantations. Shantui has prominently exhibited a range of equipment including the DH08-B3 series bulldozers, SE75 excavators, and SE135F excavators, all of which have showcased remarkable performance in road construction and park 完美体育maintenance activities within Indonesian palm plantations. 山推展位吸引了浩繁印尼棕榈园企业代表立足咨询。山推经销商发卖团队和手艺人员在现场进行专业解答,具体介绍产物特征,并与多家企业告竣初步合作意向。 Shantui's booth attracted many representatives of Indonesian palm plantation companies to stop and consult. Shantui's dealer sales team and technicians gave professional answers, detailed product features, and reached preliminary cooperation intentions with many companies. 将来,山推将延续深切领会印尼市场需求,不竭优化产物机能,为更多的印尼客户供给更优良的装备和办事,配合鞭策印尼棕榈业的繁华与成长。 In the future, Shantui will continue to deeply explore the needs of theIndonesian market, continuously optimize products performance, provide moreIndonesian customers with better equipments and services, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of Indonesia's palm industry.